
Urbe/Palabra clave
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Tipo de inmueble
- m2
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  • Descripción
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  • marcar desmarcar 155307
269.900.000 HUF

Turul Köz, Buda Hills


District 2. - Rózsadomb, Pasarét, Hűvösvölgy

District II. stretches from the bank of the Danube to the border of Budapest, comprising several parts of the city with completely different designs. With its pristine villas and fantastic views, Rózsadomb is perhaps the best known and most attractive part.

The district is home to embassies of several countries and is popular with diplomats and expats from multinational companies. Many people decide to look for a family home here because of the proximity of the American International School of Budapest and The British International School. Hűvösvölgy, with its Children's Railway and countless hiking trails, provides weekend recreation for families.

The Mammut, the Budagyöngye, the Rózsadomb Center and the Rose Garden Malls await those who wish to relax. Széll Kálmán Square is an important transport hub in the inner part of the district. By taking the M2 metro, you can be in the center of Pest in minutes. From here the tram line 4-6 starts, which runs through the Margaret Bridge, on the Pest side of the Grand Boulevard, to the District XI. of Buda.

caracteristicas basicas

  • No.Ref.: 155307
  • Superficie: 265 m2
  • Habitaciones: 4
  • Ubicación: dist. 2
  • vista: Colinas de Buda
  • planta:
  • Ascensor: No
  • Garaje: Sí
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