
Urbe/Palabra clave
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Tipo de inmueble
- m2
búsqueda simple
  • Descripción
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  • marcar desmarcar 987760
185.000.000 HUF

Baross street

We are offering for sale a 88 sqm, renovated apartment, devided in 3 units in Baross pedestrian street at Kálvin metro station. The smallest unit consists of room with kitchen, a gallery with bed, and a bathroom. The other, bigger unit has a living room, a bedroom in the gallery, a kitchen, and a bathroom. The biggest unit consists of a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom in the gallery, and a bathroom.

District 8. - Józsefváros, Palotanegyed, Corvin-negyed

The district gives home to many universities and has excellent public transport links. At the Eastern Railway Station, the metro lines M2 and M4 intersect, while at Kalvin Square the lines M3 and M4 meet. The József Boulevard section of the Grand Boulevard (Nagykörút) and the tram line 4-6 passes through it as well. One of the largest libraries in Budapest is the Szabó Ervin Library Central Library of Budapest. 

Students may prefer the neighbourhood due to the proximity of the Faculty of Humanities at ELTE, the Semmelweis University (SOTE), the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, the University Of Theatre And Film Arts.

 The Corvin Plaza (with the Corvin Cinema) and Europeum, or a little bit further down the Arena Mall, are open to the public, but culture lovers can also enjoy the plays of Erkel Theatre.

Those looking for green space in the National Museum's garden, the Orczy Garden and II. János Pál pápa Square can enjoy the proximity to nature. The dynamically developing part of the district is Corvin Square, which is popular with neighbourhood workers for its newly built condominiums and office buildings.

caracteristicas basicas

  • No.Ref.: 987760
  • Superficie: 88 m2
  • Habitaciones: 3
  • Ubicación: dist. 8
  • vista: Calle
  • planta: 1
  • Balcón: Sí
  • Ascensor: Sí
  • Amueblado: Sí
  • Aire acondicionado: Sí
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